Sunday, January 27, 2008

Okay girls...what do you think?

SOOOO...with all this recent talk about weigh in days, it got me thinking. I think everyone should be free to weigh in whatever day they would like....whatever works best for them. AGREE??

Also, I don't think we should get together once a month to weigh in, but get together once a month just for a girls night and to check up on how everyone is doing. I think it's just going to be too hard to get everyone on the same night to do weigh ins and just will be fun to meet everyone to give support. YES/NO?

The weigh in days will stay on the 7th of each month. PLEASE weigh in THAT DAY and give me your weight! I will not post everyones weights until I get EVERYONES weight. But because this is a competition, you MUST weigh in on the weigh in days and lets do mornings to make it fair.

Another thing...I don't ever think it was clear about how everyone would be loosing weight. I know there are a few girls doing over the counter weigh loss pills or diets. As a group, how do you all feel about that? What are your opinions?

K, that's it for tonight. Please jump in and share your thoughts!


Tammy said...

I did try Hydroxy cut. I have now stopped taking it, it did wacky things to me. I didn't like it. I am going to try and take it back since it was 40.00. I think it is fine for people to try these over the counter pills, I think it is fine for awhile to give your body a jump start, but I never think it is a good idea to keep taking them. Your body needs to learn how to lose weight by just what you do. But, I have no issues with people in our group using them. They just might not be able to keep the weight off after you stop taking them. There is my 2 cents.

Christi said...

YES! I think if we can get together just to have a fun night, and discuss what we are going through, that would be AWESOME! A nice healthy dinner. Talk and fun! I need that!
As far as weight loss pills, I do have some issues, as far as this competition is concerned. Really, we are making " Life" changes, right? Making better choices as far as eating, portion control ETC? Yes, you can lose weight on the OTC weight loss meds, but I am telling you from experience..YOU WILL GAIN IT ALL BACK!~
I think to keep it fair, we need this to be about eating, exercising, and support, and leave the " Meds " out of this. My 2cents.

Anonymous said...

I am totally one the fence about this. I feel like since we are "competing" that isn't not fair for others to be doing things that will "help" them to loose weight when I'm trying so hard to stick to points, get to the gym, drink water, etc. It's taking so much will power to stick to it and make a life change. I could loose so much more if I were doing "over the counter" things, but that wouldn't make it fair to the others right? But on the other hand, I think all bodies are different. IF I stick to my stuff, I loose weight, others don't. Their bodies need things to give them that little "extra". so again, totally on the fence about it. So, I would love to hear what you all think...

Hollys Hobbies said...

This is a hard question to answer. This is a contest and I really feel like it needs to be fair for everyone. The idea is not just to lose weight here, but to have healthier lifestyles and bodies. I don't know that by taking diet pills you can accomplish either of these things. Like Tammy says, you almost certainly wont be able to keep the weight off when you stop taking them. Besides, I kinda feel like its not fair for those who aren't taking them. I could probably take pills and drop weight without making the changes I have made so far, but would those who have been working their butts off (excuse the pun)feel ok about that if I ended up winning? It's your bodies and you are obviously going to do what you feel is best for you. I think that I might agree with Tammy in the sense that if you take them just to "jump start" thngs I would feel ok with that, but beyond that this is a contest and it needs to be fair. There's my nickel!

Anonymous said...

yep, I'm going to agree with Christi and Holly. This IS a contest...we need to keep it fair with good old healthy eating, exercise, support and a life style change. Yay?

Hollys Hobbies said...

Tammy, you are right, it was never stated in the rules. Nobody is trying to make a personal attack against anyone! It was just a question that came up, and its fair that as a group we should get to "weigh" in on it. We all have somethng at stake here, mostly our overall health! The goal is to become healthier women in the end . Nobody is saying that you haven't worked your butt off, and I am sorry you feel like that was implied =( I think that some women feel like its almost not fair because diet pills tend to help with water weight, lack of energy-which dont get me wrong, we all have, but like you found out it wasn't good for you. We want to make this an experience that lasts longer than 6 months right? that was the only reason I think it was brought up! Its not a healthy way to do this, and not fair for that extra "help" a pill can offer. I am sorry if I offended you or upset you with what I wrote, I promise that was never my intention with how I answered. I hope you can see that!

Tammy said...

No Holly, I understand.

Carrie said...

Well ladies, I guess that counts me out then. I am Taking alli. It is a lifestyle changing pill not a quick fix pill but I respect what you guy think. I will keep taking this because it is a training wheel for me like your points are for you. It teaches you how to eat healthier and count your fat and calories. It will also keep you acountable because if you cheet you get sick. But I can understand if you guys feel it isn't fair. So let me know If I'm done with the BL.