Wednesday, January 2, 2008

weigh in/picture/girls night party!

For those of you here in Utah (and I think we all are as of right now), we are getting together tomorrow at 7:00pm at my apartment for a interesting girls night. We will first go to DI to get our "goal" outfit (if you don't want to buy or have one already...BRING IT. And be sure to bring some undies or swim suit to put on under so your G's doing hang out). We'll be going back to my apartment for a "before" group picture that will involve a lot of girls who can't fit in to their jeans LOL! We'd like to head to dinner after that and have a "before we are trying to lose weight" dinner and fun girls night out! For those of you who will be coming down with Holly, please email or get in touch with her to car pool. See you tomorrow if you can make it!

~ Melissa


Patty said...

I wish I could come, but I am out of town till sunday.

Patty said...

I guess I am a little late on seeing this. That is what happens when you are out of town.