Thursday, February 21, 2008

An idea!

Okay, so for a while now, I have wanted to make my own (7 points or less) meals kind of like Lean Cuisines where I would make a big meal, but cut it into smaller portions for lunch or even dinner. I normally do not eat what my kids do, so I have been hooked on Lean Cuisines lately...just hate the cost! idea for our next get together would be for everyone coming to bring enough for one family meal (for everyone) and then you can either have it as a family meal or break it up into individual meals! OR something like that, we can work out the details, but everyone would go home with some meals!! Then you'd just have to pop them in the microwave, add a salad and you'd have a good meal!

OR everyone could make a large meal before hand, bring it and then we can all split it up into individual servings. That might work better and then depending on how many people show up, we could have up to 9 different varieties of lunches/dinners!

We'd all just have to make sure these were HEALTHY meals and not just some yummy, calorie filled casserole or something. all remaining under 7 points (350 cals) per serving.

What do you think??

If you like the idea, and have meal ideas that would work well frozen and then heated up, leave a comment! I really suck at meal ideas...


Carrie said...

I love this idea Darn it!! I have thought of this idea for myself and for my family lots of times!! Great idea, y'all should do this. I think that it would be fun to sit around and talk cooking. We could even expand this to being a biggest loser cookbook for each of us in June!

Tammy said...

I think this is a GREAT idea Melissa!! :)