Thursday, January 31, 2008

SO, what do you think?!

I'm chatting with Carrie right now and she asked if we had anything fun planned for the end of this. I said no, and she said we should all take a weekend trip to Lake Powell to celebrate our new bodies and healthy selves! My dad has a house boat (small house boat), but it would be a lot of fun to just take the weekend and go have a girls get away!! What do you all think? I of course haven't talked about it with my hubby, but I'm sure he'll be more than willing to let me do that as a "good job" and also because I had a trip to Dallas planned that fell through :( so sad about that! But anyways, share your thoughts!!

OH and I wanted to say........those girls who are not part of the BL competition, but are trying to loose weight and are doing this with us.....YOU guys are more than welcome to come to our get together(s) or anything we do!!!! OR if you have any friends who want to start a blog to get encouragement or support, we are more than happy to link them to our blogs!

One more week!

GIRLS....We are on our final stretch before the FIRST BL of the month will be determined!! HOLY MOLY did that month zoom by and look at us......WE ARE DOING AWESOME!!! Pat yourselves on the back!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday the 8th ~ Girls night!

Okay, so the majority (those who jumped in on our last post) seemed like Friday the 8th would be the best day to get together for a girls night! So a few questions........

What time would be good for everyone?

Because I am kind of in the middle, should we meet at my house for pictures, measurements, dinner, girl talk, etc?

PLEASE PLEASE jump in and let us know if you can do this or not!

Those who WILL be there (I'd love everyone to come, even if it's just to meet the other girls and have a fun girls night!....minus our out of state friends):


Okay girls...what do you think?

SOOOO...with all this recent talk about weigh in days, it got me thinking. I think everyone should be free to weigh in whatever day they would like....whatever works best for them. AGREE??

Also, I don't think we should get together once a month to weigh in, but get together once a month just for a girls night and to check up on how everyone is doing. I think it's just going to be too hard to get everyone on the same night to do weigh ins and just will be fun to meet everyone to give support. YES/NO?

The weigh in days will stay on the 7th of each month. PLEASE weigh in THAT DAY and give me your weight! I will not post everyones weights until I get EVERYONES weight. But because this is a competition, you MUST weigh in on the weigh in days and lets do mornings to make it fair.

Another thing...I don't ever think it was clear about how everyone would be loosing weight. I know there are a few girls doing over the counter weigh loss pills or diets. As a group, how do you all feel about that? What are your opinions?

K, that's it for tonight. Please jump in and share your thoughts!

Friday, January 25, 2008

What do you think?

Tammy pointed out that we all seem to be on different weigh in days. We started this contest on the 7th, which was a Monday. We were thinking about changing ALL the weigh in days to Mondays so that everyone would be on the same schedule. What do you think?? The the weigh ins would not be the 7th of every month, and I would change that...

Please give honest opinions and tell us what you think about that...

I have a issue with the weigh in day

I wish we were all on the same weigh in day. For me at least, it makes it harder to wait until Monday to do the final weigh in.
Any suggestions??

And by the way, Congrats to all those that are shrinking!!! That is awesome!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Please Read!!

Okay some important updates here, so please read:

* Our Monthly weigh in is the 7th of next month. I would love for all of us to be able to get together and meet everyone in our group (minus Carrie and Becky W because they are out of state). Is anyone up for a weigh in/picture/girls night out??? I wanted to ask now, so we could get it set up!! PLEASE respond to this and tell us any days that would work out for you during that time period!

This Challenge is now closed to just US. No exceptions!!

* We have added a friend to our Challenge. Please welcome Becky Wilson. Yes, she paid before the deadline, so... welcome her with open arms and much support!! Make sure you add her to your list of people on your blog. Her Blog is linked on this blog!! Go check her out!! :)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hello? Hello?....

Is there anybody out there?! We hope that everyone is doing well! There are still a few of you who need to get before pictures! (even if you don't post them, let us know that you TOOK them). We really would like everyone to be active in this competition, which means updating your blogs. Trust me guys, it's so helpful to have a blog to come to every day (or as often as you can) and post about what's going on in your weight loss! And also make sure to cheer the others on! That's so helpful as well! It also just shows how committed you are! (and we'd love everyone to be successful at the end of this...that's why we're bugging you so much LOL).

Also, only two more days to have your payments in! Please, please, we would HATE to not let anyone continue with this, but some times you've got to do what you've got to do right? As soon as all the money is in, we'll know that we've got a committed group of {losers}!

Okay, I'm done and stepping off the high horse. Please check into your blogs asap and let us know how you are doing! There is a new question up at top too!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2008

It has been 1 week!

How was your week? It is your weigh in day as well. Not sure if everyone is weighing in every week, but if you do, we would love to hear about your week and your progress!! Keep up the great work!! And heres to a brand new week!!
Some of you still need to do your before pictures, if you haven't please make sure you get them up this week!! Believe me, there is motivation after you do it!! ;)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Good morning girls!

I'd like to welcome one more girl to our BL group ~ Carrie! I have added her link to the side! She was a few days late in signing up, but only because she wasn't told about the BL.

Robin, you are the last girl I need a weight from.

I read that you all are resisting some yummy foods! Good for you girls!

A few of you still do not have before pictures up (or even just a picture of yourself so we all know who you are).

Umm, can't think of anything else right now. Keep up the great work girls!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Okay guys this is Important ~ Please read! Tammy and I have decided that we must have everyones $90 by the 20th of January or else we are going to have to kick you to the curb lol. We really want to keep this fair, and if everyone isn't going to stick with the commitment they made to pay for this, It wouldn't be fair to the monthly winners and the biggest loser! Thanks for understanding!

~ Tammy and Melissa

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A couple updates

My head is pounding, but I wanted to post these real quick. The results from polls:

* The $550 pot will go to ONLY The biggest loser!
* Two of the four GC's will be: Bath and body works and a Clothing store.

There is a new poll for the other two (there was a tie).

I think that's it! Keep up the good work girls!

Morning Girls!

Hello girls! We have been reading everyones blogs and it looks like everyone is doing a great job! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

It looks like the poll for the monthly prizes is almost over, and we have yet to have a few girls vote. If you would like you add your vote, please do so! We've got a new poll up as well, so go ahead and vote for that while you are here!

We know that we have already sent out invoices to everyone, we also know that you will all get the money to us as soon as you can. We've gotten Heather's payment and a few others have told us when they will be paying, but a few have not told us anything. To make it fair we would really like everyones payment upfront! Melissa and Tammy have talked this over and we think it will only be fair if we get the grand total amount upfront. Which will be $90.00 per loser. It is a lot of money upfront yes, BUT, to be fair to each loser, so none of us back out, we need to do this so we can have all the Gifts Cards up front and ready to be given to the Biggest Loser of the month. We will be sending out a new invoice for this, so ignore the first one, and Heather, if you wouldn't mind just sending in your remainder. If this isn't going to work for some of you, please talk to us about it. Thanks guys!!

Well that's all we can think of for now! KICK BUTT TODAY GIRLS!

~Melissa and Tammy

Sunday, January 6, 2008

......AND IT BEGINS.........

It is midnight (well, 12:20 according to my clock), so it is officially MONDAY and our BIGGEST LOSER competition begins! We officially have our group of 10 great {losers}. I wanted to wish everyone GOOD LUCK!

We've got a new poll up to the side, so when you have the chance, go ahead and vote.

A few reminders:

* Please update your blog AT least once a week. Whether that be a weigh in, a thought of the day, what you are eating, what exercises you are doing, etc...please keep your blog updated!

* If you have the time, remember to cheer on the other girls in who are doing this as well. The motivation from others will help all of us!

* If you haven't already, please post a before picture (or just a picture of yourself on your blog) so those who don't know you can put a face with the blog!

Well off to bed. We bought a bunk bed and new bedding for our kids tonight and we are still in the process of washing sheets and putting the bed together! (almost done though). Night and GOOD LUCK!

We have one more girl joining us! Welcome Robin! she is in the process of getting her blog ready. which means the ending pot will be $550!!!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday updates

Well it was determined that the END LOOT would be $50 each! The winner(s) is going to have a great time with that! We would like everyone to pay upfront to make it fair. We'd hate for anyone to stop the challenge and then not contribute to the biggest loser(s). I will be sending out an invoice for $50 via paypal and it also gives you the option to pay with your credit card. (It will be coming from my photography account, so when you see Melissa Davis Photography, don't think someone is trying to scam ya lol). If you already have a paypal account, you can paypal to If you would rather pay cash, you can give it to either Tammy or I. We are giving everyone a week to pay the end pot money! Please, if you are committed to this challenge, don't make us hunt you down and steal $50 out of your purse HA HA HA!

Okay, so that is that. I made a poll to the side about how many winners there should be! Please vote this weekend and then we will determine (if there is more than one winner) who will get what!

I think that's it girls! We are still missing a few blogs and not everyone has given their starting weights :) Look forward to hearting from ya!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Peek below!

If you go to the bottom of the blog, you will see our Monthly weigh in chart! after our first weigh in, everyone will be in order...starting with the winner!!

Please check in!

Hey girls! Our Biggest Loser competition starts on Monday!! Would everyone say "boo" if they are here and ready to go?!!! We still have a few blogs missing and everyone needs to get their starting weights posted too! SOOO...leave a comment saying you are IN and committed and leave your starting weight in the comment as well!

Any girls that didn't make it to last nights gathering...

Would you all like to get together next week sometime to do some before photos? And if so, what day works best for you?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Monthly prizes!?

Alright, it was determined that we would do monthly prices. The amounts are being polled right now, but what we need from YOU is a list of things you'd like to get as a Gift Certificate!

A few ideas that Tammy and I thought of:

* Wild Oats
* Subway
* Bath and body works
* Sally Beauty supply

We'd like to keep the prizes weened towards stuff that would pamper us or keep us healthy! We are asking everyone to throw out ideas! (leave a comment). On January 7th, we will make a poll where you can vote for your SIX fav things and the winning things will be the monthly prizes!

Check it out!!

I thought this blog had a lot of useful information!! I thought I would pass it on.

I also thought this is a good way to keep track of Calories if that is the route you are taking. ;)


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Just one more thing...

I would be nice when everyone posted a comment that it would take us to their weight loss blog. I know a few of us have typepad or another account, so those with blogger need to change a few settings if you wouldn't mind!

Go to your blog dashboard and click on "settings" under your weight loss blog. Click "comments" and change "who can comment" to "Anyone". You can enable comment moderation if you would like to moderate your comment before they are posted, but this way those of us who's blogs aren't on blogger can post and link right to our weight loss blogs! Thanks.

~ Melissa

weigh in/picture/girls night party!

For those of you here in Utah (and I think we all are as of right now), we are getting together tomorrow at 7:00pm at my apartment for a interesting girls night. We will first go to DI to get our "goal" outfit (if you don't want to buy or have one already...BRING IT. And be sure to bring some undies or swim suit to put on under so your G's doing hang out). We'll be going back to my apartment for a "before" group picture that will involve a lot of girls who can't fit in to their jeans LOL! We'd like to head to dinner after that and have a "before we are trying to lose weight" dinner and fun girls night out! For those of you who will be coming down with Holly, please email or get in touch with her to car pool. See you tomorrow if you can make it!

~ Melissa

A Couple of more ideas...

Melissa and I were talking and here are some additional ideas:

*We thought it would be fun to get us all together for a *BEFORE* group picture with your goal outfit ON or partly on! HAha ;) How fun would that be?? Then at the end, we all hope to be in those outfits!!! :)

*We also thought it would be fun to do a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize. The 1st place will of course get the biggest loser lump sum. ;)

* Next, we need some ideas on what you would like the monthly prizes to be. You all are allowed to compose posts here, so we need some feedback from you!! Give us your ideas!!

Melissa and I will be posting some more polls for your input!! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Welcome to the "biggest loser" blog! We are excited to start the new year right and to start our biggest loser challenge!

The rules:
* We'd love everyone to have a weight loss blog! We feel that you will have more success if you keep good track of it by keeping a (journal, ie: Blog.....please post the link here when you make your blog and everyone link everyone else! If you need help, just ask!). Please have those blogs ready by the time we start!

* Please take a before picture. Now, you don't have to do it in a bikini or anything like that if you don't want to. A {goal} outfit is great if you don't want to show skin lol.

* You must weigh in once a month (weigh in days are posted to the side). And it's important to do it the day posted because Melissa and Tammy will be updating a biggest loser chart each month!

*Once you have committed to this challenge you are committed to put money in the pot. (Amount to be determined).

* Once we have started, please do not invite others to be part of the competition. They are more then welcome to join in losing weight, but wouldn't be fair for the ones who have already committed and started to join the biggest loser.

How it works:

On January 7th we will start our biggest loser competition! It will go until June 7th. You are welcome to lose weight ANY way you'd like to. All of us {losers} will have our own personal weight loss blogs and we'd love if everyone would help be cheerleaders for each other by posting comments on all the {losers} blogs! Like said above, please keep active on your blog. This means posting updates, tips, pictures, quotes, etc...anything that YOU need to keep yourself motivated and will help others be the same. Each month after the weigh in, Melissa and Tammy will calculate your % of weight lost and post a chart showing the winner and where you rank in the competition. The winner of the month will get a prize! At the end, the BIGGEST LOSER will be getting the {pot} of money provided by the other biggest loser competitors. This money is NOT for bills, food, kids...It's for YOU! Buy your self some new clothes for that new body! Treat yourself to a day at the spa! Do something fun and for earned it!