Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We alive?

Wow guys I can't believe how long it's been since we've had a post here. It is YET again that time to have a get together. I know some will be watching conference, so the weekend of the 5th wont work (although a few of us will be running the 5k that day).

start shooting out days that would work for you! Becky, we'd like to see you again this time and Katie, we'd love to meet you girl! So jump in with some available days you have!!

How's everyone hanging in there btw??

Friday, March 7, 2008

And the winner is..............

ME!! LOL. Congrats to EVERYONE though for a great month! Keep it up...

Tonights get together...

Girls, please remember to know what the calorie intake is for a serving of your meal you bring (and also how much a serving is). Also, if you have the recipe, it would be great to bring it and let everyone know about it!

See you tonight!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!

Remember to take a picture of your weight girls....I can't believe it's already been two months!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weigh in day...

Is coming soon (FRIDAY). Please send me your weights first thing in the morning so I can see who the winner is and put everyone in their new spots! my email is missa4_25@msn.com

Thanks girls!

Oh and Friday night is our get together at 6:30 at my house again.
Bring a dinner to divide with the other girls (I think there will be about 6-8 of us there).